Image of Sunstone Pendant | Wire Wrapped Whimsical Necklace | Handmade Jewelry | Solar Plexus Chakra Crystal

Sunstone Pendant | Wire Wrapped Whimsical Necklace | Handmade Jewelry | Solar Plexus Chakra Crystal


This wire wrapped pendant is intricately twisted and woven with pure copper wire, set with a Sunstone (Leather adjustable cord included).

Sunstone is a joyful stone which encourages us to be true to ourselves. It is a stone of great hope, helping us to believe in our own good luck and ability to live happily ever after. Sunstone is a stone of abundance and can be used to manifest financial prosperity as well as spiritual riches. As its name indicates, sunstone represents solar energy and brings gifts of Light and Energy. Sunstone is attuned to the Solar Plexus Chakra, but also serves to clear and energize Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras and linked to the astrological signs of Leo and Libra.

Measurements: 2 in by 1 in

Each of my gemstone pendants are a unique piece of wearable art; no two are ever alike. I recommend keeping it safe from direct water or chemical exposure (sun tan spray, perfume, etc.)

I pride myself on making beautiful, quality, and unique art. Each piece is delicately worked by my own hands, using high quality and genuine materials. All gemstones used in my pieces are naturally provided by Mother Earth.


Each of the pendants I make is a unique piece of art, not one piece is alike. Wire wraps do tarnish and age. Photo was taken in natural lighting.

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